Friday, 28 December 2012


Was Christmas crazy for anyone else this year? I don't mean just the hustle and bustle but the excitement was awesome!  My daughter knew exactly what was going on! Mind you she also knew she wanted to stay up partying with all the family!  Christmas morning was amazing, she was so surprised at what Santa brought. There is so much more I could say but it wouldnt describe the moment.

So I haven't been on here in such a long time as my mom has been sick. She is doing much better now. However myself and the baby caught my 3 year olds cold and it has taken me down hardcore.

I am currently busy as always and waiting for my mom at the airport while holding little man in my lap in the car and trying to get this post to you! So much to catch up on. I'll be back soon, promise.

Wish me luck...

Saturday, 1 December 2012


So, it has been way too long since my last post. I am sorry for those who follow me but I have been tied up with family issues. I am hoping to get everyone caught up tonight on my blog and how things are going with this motivated mommy! Until then, wish me luck!